Field Hockey

Welcome to the Uxbridge Youth Field Hockey homepage. Please follow this blog to receive updates on practice and game schedules.

Uxbridge Youth Field Hockey will be offered in the Fall of 2015
Our season will start September and end before Columbus Day.

Practice will be on Thursday's at 5-6:15

Games will be held on Saturday's time will vary depending on team we are playing, but we are trying to get them in the mornings/early afternoon.

Home games will be between 9-12 depending on the team. On non-game days we will have practice Saturdays 9-11

We will be playing youth teams from Bellingham and Franklin. Our games will be both home and away.

Games will be played on the turf fields in Bellingham and Franklin.

There will be two divisions:
Girls entering grades k-2
Girls entering grades 3-4

*depending on numbers the ages groups may be combined*

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Summer Youth Field Hockey Camp at UHS

Summer skills camp at UHS for grades k-7

Click here to print youth field hockey summer camp brochure.

5th & 6th grade TEAM

I have been getting some interest in a 5th & 6th grade team. Please send me your registration form with no check, If I get enough to field a team, I will :) Please spread the word. I would also need a few volunteers for that division as well. I will keep you posted!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Volunteers Needed

Please let me know if you are interested in helping during the fall season. The more help, the more successful we will be as a league. Looking for helpers to keep kids on task, promote good sportsmanship, and foster a love & passion for field hockey while learning the game. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Registration Form

Click here to access the registration form

The Uxbridge Youth Field Hockey league is a travel "Instructional" league that is open to Uxbridge residents, Uxbridge Public School Choice participants, and OLV students. 

We are trying to form to teams:

Students entering grades k-2 for the 2015-2016 school year

Students entering grades 3-4 for the 2015-2016 school year


Please return the Registration form  and checks payable to:

Lauren Bouchard
131 Blackstone Street
Uxbridge, MA 01569